Coffee Stout

Brew DateJuly 5, 2014
Yield5 gallons
Original Gravity (OG)1.046
Final Gravity (FG)1.017
Estimated ABV*3.80625 %


6 lbs. dark liquid malt extract, 8 oz. chocolate malt, 4 oz. flaked barley, 4 oz. caramel 60L, 4 oz. roasted barley, Safale Ale S-04 Whitbread strain dry yeast


This was an extract kit from Midwest Homebrewing Supply. The recipe is available online here.

Brew Notes

Generally did not deviate from the recipe instructions. I ground the coffee grounds using a hand grinder and used a pour over to brew the coffee.

Tasting Notes

I brought the whole batch along with some others to a wedding party. It got mixed reviews, some people were crazy about it, others including myself thought the coffee was far too strong.