Malum in Se Cyser

Malum in Se Cyser
Brew DateMarch 25, 2015
Yield5 gallons
Original Gravity (OG)1.124
Final Gravity (FG)1.012
Estimated ABV*14.7 %
Final pH3.78


5 gallons preservative-free apple cider, 12 lbs. honey (1 gallon), 4 cinnamon sticks, 2 medium sized lemons, 8 whole cloves, and Red Star Premier Cuvee Champagne yeast


This was a homemade recipe. Bring 3 gallons apple cider to boil. Remove pot from burner and add honey. Stir until dissolved and return to a boil. Add cinnamon and cloves and boil for 60 minutes. At the last 15 minutes add the juice, meat, and rinds of the two lemons. Chill, transfer to fermenter, and add the remaining two gallons of apple cider. Aerate well and then sprinkle yeast on top and add 3 teaspoons of Fermax yeast nutrient.

According to Wikipedia a mead made with cinnamon and apples may be referred to as either a cinnamon cyser or an apple metheglin.

Brew Notes

We used Musselman’s 100% Juice Apple Cider, which is pasteurized but preservative free. We bought a gallon (12 lbs.) of local pure honey from Moenck Honey Farms in Lehigh, IA. We used 4 McCormick brand cinnamon sticks. We opted for the Red Star Premier Cuvee Champagne yeast because its high alcohol tolerance of up to 18% ABV.

Tasting Notes