Primary Ingredients
Ingredient | Quantity | Percentage |
Castor Oil | 1.6 ounces | Calculating... |
Coconut Oil (76 deg) | 4.8 ounces | Calculating... |
Grapeseed Oil | 4.8 ounces | Calculating... |
Olive Oil | 20.8 ounces | Calculating... |
Ingredient | Quantity |
Distilled Water | 12.16 ounces |
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) | 121.7 grams |
Show Superfat Ranges
Special Ingredients
2 teaspoons sodium lactate, 1 oz. black cherry fragrance, 1 oz strawberry fragrance, 1 oz blackberry sage fragrance, yellow, electric bubblegum, green apple pigmentsRecipe
Add the sodium lactate to the cooled lye water mixture. Add the lye water to the oils and bring to a very light trace (stick blend for about 15 seconds. Stir in fragrance oil and lightly hand stir. Split batch and add the colorants then pour each into a condiment bottle. Pour into mold using the condidments bottles. Let molds rest for multiple days before demolding.
Batch Notes
This was a lot of fun, just make sure to use a very light trace.