Frankenstein Soap

Frankenstein Soap
Batch DateOctober 5, 2016

Primary Ingredients

IngredientQuantityPercentageSaponification ValueKOH Addition (Grams)NaOH Addition (Grams)
Castor Oil1.6 ouncesCalculating...0.18
Coconut Oil (76 deg)9.6 ouncesCalculating...0.257
Lard, Pig Tallow (Manteca)20.8 ouncesCalculating...0.198

Distilled Water12.16 ounces
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)131.9 grams

Show Superfat Ranges

Special Ingredients

2 teaspoons sodium lactate, 2 teaspoons hardwood activated charcoal powder, 2 teaspoons green chrome oxide pigment, 1 teaspoon pewter silver mica, .5 oz. frankincense essential oil, .5 oz. cedarwood essential oil.


Combine all oils. Add the sodium lactate to the cooled lye water mixture. Add the lye water to the oils and bring to a very light trace. Add the essential oils, blending well. Split the mixture into three containers, leaving half in one container and one fourth each in the remaining containers. Mix in the charcoal powder into the largest container and the green pigment and silver pigment into each of the smaller containers. Pour the charcoal mixture into mold. Gently pour ¾ of the green into the mold on top of the black, pouring along the center of the mold. Using a paper towel tube, cut the tube open and fold into a staple shape. Push the paper towel into the center of the green soap and then pour the silver soap along each side of the paper towel. Remove the paper towel and quickly pour the remainder of the green soap into the center and on top of the silver. Let the mold sit overnight before cutting and let cure for four weeks before using.

Batch Notes

This pour technique was a total experiment, but resulted in some abstract Frankenstein-like silhouettes in the soap when cut.