Primary Ingredients
Ingredient | Quantity | Percentage |
Beeswax | 0.64 ounces | Calculating... |
Cocoa Butter | 6.4 ounces | Calculating... |
Coconut Oil (76 deg) | 9.6 ounces | Calculating... |
Shea Butter | 15.36 ounces | Calculating... |
Ingredient | Quantity |
Distilled Water | 10.94 ounces |
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH) | 123.5 grams |
Show Superfat Ranges
Special Ingredients
2 teaspoons sodium lactate, 1.5 teaspoons hardwood activated charcoal powder, 2 tablespoons Indian healing clay powder (calcium bentonite), .67 oz. sunflower fragrance oil, .53 oz. daisy chain fragrance oilRecipe
Add the sodium lactate to the cooled lye water mixture. Add the lye water to the oils and bring to a trace. Stir in fragrance oil and colorant. Pour into mold. Cut the soap bars and let cure for 4 weeks before using.
Batch Notes
This made a hard bar with a nice calming fragrance.