Woodsman Soap

Woodsman Soap Woodsman Soap
Batch DateJanuary 27, 2018
Yield2.27 - 3.03 pounds
Superfat5.03 %

Primary Ingredients

IngredientQuantityPercentageSaponification ValueKOH Addition (Grams)NaOH Addition (Grams)
Beeswax0.96 ounces3 %0.0942.558258881.82403858144
Castor Oil1.6 ounces5 %0.188.1646559999999995.821399727999999
Coconut Oil (76 deg)4.8 ounces15 %0.25734.971943224.934995501599996
Lard, Pig Tallow (Manteca)20.8 ounces65 %0.198116.754580883.24601611039999
Olive Oil3.84 ounces12 %0.1920.683795214.7475459776

Distilled Water12.16 ounces
Sodium Hydroxide (NaOH)124 grams

Show Superfat Ranges

Special Ingredients

2 teaspoons sodium lactate, 3 teaspoons titanium dioxide pigment, 3 tablespoons ground oatmeal, .2 oz. tea tree oil, .5 oz. cedarwood essential oil, .7 oz. Santa's spruce fragrance oil.


Add the sodium lactate to the cooled lye water mixture. Add the lye water to the oils and bring to a trace. Stir in the colorants and fragrance oil. Pour into mold. Cut the soap bars and let cure for 4 weeks before using.

Batch Notes

This is a masculine smell.